was just queuing behind a chap (aged late30s-early40s?) in a little shop; behind the til, they were about to put some cookie dough into the little oven, in order to (obviously) bake the special cookies they sell
chappy saw the bag with all the little dough dollops and said something to the effect of 'blimey, they're so small!!!! is that really how they start out?!?!'; he was in absolute amazement. i even said to him 'have you not ever made cookies or biscuits or seen how it's done?'; he hadn't and was in pure awe
he said 'but how do they get so big, then, and how do they come out flat - do you put something on top of them while they're cooking?’ bless the poor little man who i wanted to pat on the head
didn't his mummy or granny ever make him chocie chip cookies? such deprivation...
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