> We will be closed on Monday Feb. 16th for the Presidents Day holiday
President’s Day?
Presidents’ Day?
This appears to be unclear even to those who try to educate children.
I also didn’t realise this day's the same as Washington’s birthday - wasn’t it previously called that?
Lincoln still appears to have his own day; hmm, doesn’t seem fair for him to get a mention while the first George W doesn’t.
How do people get through life not wondering about such things?
Why not combine the two into just one day - or a day to celebrate every single one of them - and then it really can be called Presidents Day.
No, that's wrong too.
Presidents’ Day it is, then . . .
Now onto the really important question: Why don't we have Prime Ministers' Day?
Heath? [mind, he did get his own airport]
Wilson's Day?
The National Day of Attlee?
In fact, Britain hasn't a single holiday to officially-recognise anyone's contribution to national history.
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